J805DWW Stagecoach Viscount Viscount,Peterborough


  • Title:  J805DWW Stagecoach Viscount Viscount,Peterborough
  • Description:  Stagecoach Viscount 985 new to Viscount,Peterborough S5 Optare Metrorider MR03 integral bus body new 1992 seen on loan to Stagecoach East Midland at Mansfield
  • Owner:  J6 Design Ltd
  • Views:  145
  • ID:  111541
  • Created:  N/A
  • Filename:  xStagecoachViscountJ805DWW.jpg
  • Colors: 
  • Digital Downloads
  • Prints

High Resolution Digital Image

License: Sold Without Copyright
