PVT936 Potteries(PMT) AEC Demo


  • Title:  PVT936 Potteries(PMT) AEC Demo
  • Description:  Potteries(PMT) 490 new as AEC Demonstrator AEC Regent III 9613A Park Royal Highbridge body new 1951 - used as unregistered AEC Demo from 2/51 until sold and first registered by PMT in 6/52 - later shown at the 1952 Commercial Motor Show in 10/52
  • Owner:  J6 Design Ltd
  • Views:  239
  • ID:  64339
  • Created:  N/A
  • Filename:  xPMTPVT936.jpg
  • Colors: 
  • Digital Downloads
  • Prints

High Resolution Digital Image

License: Sold Without Copyright
