IIL4821 (XPD229N) Rebody Crosville Wales County Bus London Country


  • Title:  IIL4821 (XPD229N) Rebody Crosville Wales County Bus London Country
  • Description:  Crosville Wales SNG821 former County Bus SNC129 new to London Country SNC129 Leyland National 10351/1R/SC (new 1974) rebuilt with a new East Lancs Greenway bus body in 1/93 rebuild for County Bus - originally had an intergral Dual Purpose body
  • Owner:  J6 Design Ltd
  • Views:  177
  • ID:  96209
  • Created:  N/A
  • Filename:  xCrosvilleIIL4821XPD229N.jpg
  • Colors: 
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License: Sold Without Copyright
